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Privacy Policy and Your Privacy Rights  

1. Introduction  

This Privacy Policy applies to the various social media websites (the “Website”) used by Bianca  Alexandra LLC,  

Bianca Alexandra LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, dba, alexastrike65, biancaalexandra975 (instagram),  @BiancaAlex972 (twitter), Bianca Alexandra (youtube), and alexastrike65 & alexastrike7 (TikTok), is committed  to protecting your privacy. We recognize that privacy is an important issue to you. We design and  operate our services with the protection of your privacy in mind.  

2. Conditions of Use  

Your use of this Website is governed by this Privacy Policy. Please read the following  information carefully. By using this Website you indicate your acceptance of and agreement to be  bound by this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions in their entirety, do  not use this Website.  

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, add or remove portions of this Privacy  Policy at any time without notice to you by posting such changes to this web page. Such changes  will be effective upon posting. The most current version of this Privacy Policy can be reviewed by  selecting the "Privacy Policy " hypertext link located at the bottom of our web pages. It is your  responsibility as a user of this Website to periodically return to this page to review this Privacy  Policy for amendments. The amended terms shall take effect automatically the day they are posted  on the Website. Your continued use of this Website following any amendments will constitute  agreement to such amendments.  

3. Collection of your Personal Information  

We collect user names in order to contact you and provide you with services. We do not share  this information with anyone. We do not collect any other information.  

4. Access to your Personal Information  

If you wish to correct or delete any personal information we have collected, please log into your  account with each respective website provider and change or delete the information.  

5. Security of your Personal Information  

We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use reasonable  efforts to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.  However, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will be absolutely protected. For  example, your personal information may be affected by actions outside of our control, such as  computer "hacking" and physical theft. We also use third party social media platforms where we 

have no control over their security. In these anomalous situations, we will try to rectify the anomaly as soon as we can.  

You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk.  

6. Protection of Children's Personal Information  

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children or knowingly allow  children to register on our Websites. If you are a child, please do not attempt to register or send any  information about yourself to us. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal  information from a child we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that  we might have any information from or about a child, please contact us at

7. Data Retention  

Subject to any mandatory obligations to delete data, we may choose to retain information in our  server logs, our databases and our records indefinitely.  

8. Contact Information  

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Privacy Policy or the practices  relating to this Website, or other questions about privacy, please contact us at

Copyright © 2024 by Bianca Alexandra LLC, All rights reserved.

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